With this day and age of high tech graphics, you could take advantage of what is available to not make it look 2D. The heads of the players are pretty much photos taken from trading cards. The only grip I have with this game is the graphics for their heads. The online play is fun and you gotta really be on the ball (no pun intended) to play your opponents. You can unlock the mascots and players from the first game and legends like: Scottie Pippen, Shawn Kemp, Shaq, Karl Malone, Dr. You earn currency from playing and the coins are used to unlock stuff. Sorry.) Which brings me to the unlockable characters. I beat my opponent, who were the Raptors with Vince Carter (in his prime) and some other guy ( I don't remember his name. rule, get centers! My team was the Magic with Shaq and Dwight Howard. Tip: When it comes to the dunks worth 3 pts. Each level has different game rules like: 3's are twos and 2's are threes, ally oops and dunks are worth one point, etc.

You go to through six divisions and have 4 levels for each team in those divisions (Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum ). So you will get a chance to play as Lebron, D Wade, Derrick Rose, Dirk, etc. The rosters are up to date as of the 2011/2012 season. IN SPADES!!! The feel of the game and the fun of the game has been resurrected. I was scared to try it out, but like Gibbs on NCIS, "trust your gut." Well it payed off. After years and years of playing other basketball games during the PS2/Xbox era, I came across NBA Jam On Fire Edition. It killed my hope for this franchise to be the end all be all basketball game. The graphics were horrible and the difficulty was wayy to hard. The generation after SNES and Genesis brought us NBA Jam Tournament Edition. It was the only basketball game that was not boring. The generation after I used to play the original NBA Jam on SNES. I used to play the original NBA Jam on SNES.
OR if you're in a rush they have a "Cheat" pack on the marketplace that gives you almost everything plus some in game money but don't get it the wrong way it doesn't unlock everything it just gives you a lot of cool stuff right off the bat. If you're looking for a game with a lot of content built in or just a game to keep you and your kids entertained you can't go wrong with this game, it's easy to pick up and there's lots of unlockables. There wasn't a time during this game when playing co-op online with my cousin that we didn't have fun (We played as the utah jazz bear and I There wasn't a time during this game when playing co-op online with my cousin that we didn't have fun (We played as the utah jazz bear and I was rumble the bison from the OKC thunder.) this is one of those silly arcade sports games that most of us love, they're no rule fun and anarchy that make us laugh and bring us back to a time when everything wasn't about shooting someone in the face or sitting in a box because you tripped someone (NHL).